Rodney Pevytoe
IAAI Foundation - Click here

Global Leaders in Fire Investigation®

Rodney Pevytoe

Rodney Pevytoe Rodney Pevytoe
2011 - 2012

Rodney Pevytoe

In the early 1980's Rodney Pevytoe began his career in fire investigation as a Special Agent with the Wisconsin Department of Justice. A Supervisor encouraged Pevytoe to join the IAAI at that time for the educational opportunities that it provided with the local Chapter and at the International level. In 1988 Pevytoe was recognized as the Investigator of the Year by the IAAI.

Pevytoe began his involvement with the IAAI by instructing classes and then eventually as a Director of the local chapter. That involvement continued through the various elected positions of the Wisconsin Chapter and then with election as a Director for the IAAI. In 2011-2012 Pevytoe served the IAAI as President.

Rodney Pevytoe worked for the Wisconsin Department of Justice until 2010 when he retired and began to investigate fires for private concerns. Pevytoe remains active with the IAAI serving as its CFI Committee Chair. As Chair of that committee he is willing to assist those who are interested in obtaining the special level of recognition of the fire investigator profession, IAAI-CFI.

Pevytoe and his wife live in northern Wisconsin.